Wednesday, September 16, 2009

very intensive

The course is very intensive, so we practically have no time for any of the personal stuff like blogging, or even twitting for that matter. Last night I got to my room at Downing aroud 10PM, and I still some reading to do by the time the team met at breakfast at 8AM. So it's VERY intensive. I thought Ignite was stressfull, but ADE is even more stressfull in terms of the amounts of stuff we have to do at residential sessions, but it's just the way I like it - stress helps you mobilize, and I've been a bit too relaxed recently (this was in fact one of the reasons I came here).

I'll probably write a more detailed post about my experience here later on.
But just one thing I absolutely have to mention is that Cambridge is probably the best place on Earth (or at least one of those) - the environment here is absolutely amazing, and the people here at Judge are fantastic. Now one of my mid-term goals is to come and work here, or at least do some business with a company from the Cambridge cluster, because I certainly want to come back here, and I also want to share this exerience with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Advanced Diploma for Entrepreneurship? Really?I mean,I really can become a entrepreneur after I taking the diploma? You know, I need some capital to startup business, if the course can really help me resolve this. That will be great.
    I don't want to take some course like marketing, management, economy. That's a disaster for starting a business.
    I am wondering, who teach the sales skills? who will introduce some business partner to me ? Who can provide capital? That's the keys to success.

    Please write more details about it.
